Practice Units (established for education, research and/or service) where a Family Systems approach is used to guide practice with families experiencing illness:
- Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary, Canada (1982-2007)
- Family Therapy Program, Calgary, Canada (1985-2010)
- Calgary Family Therapy Centre, Canada (1973-present) Website: www.familytherapy.org
- Denise Latourelle Family Nursing Unit, University of Montreal, Canada and later renamed the Center for Excellence in Family Nursing (1993-2015)
- Chicago Center for Family Health, an affiliate of the University of Chicago, USA (1991- present) Website: www.ccfhchicago.org
- Institute for the Family, Family Therapy Services, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rochester, USA (1970-present) Website: http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/smd/psych/clin_serv/amb_serv/fam_thrpy_serv.cfm
- Family Nursing Center, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA (1990-1998)
- Family Focused Nursing Unit (Omvardnadsmottagning foer familjer) Kalmar University, Sweden (2004-2010)
- Family Stress and Illness Program, Behavioral Health Center, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (2000-present)
This list is not exhaustive but provides a sampling of known family focused practice units throughout North America and Europe.
Bell, J.M. (2002). 20th Anniversary of the Family Nursing Unit [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 8, 175-177. https://doi.org/10.1177/107484070200800301
Bell, J. M. (2003). Clinical scholarship in family nursing [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 9, 127-129. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840703009002001
Bell. J. M. (2008). The Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary: Reflections on 25 years of clinical scholarship (1982-2007) and closure announcement [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 14, 275-288. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840708323598
Bell, J. M. (2009). Family Systems Nursing re-examined [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 15, 123-129. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840709335533
Bell, J. M. (2015). Growing the science of Family Systems Nursing: Family health intervention research focused on illness suffering and family healing [L’avancement de la recherché sur l’intervention infirmiere systémique en santé familiale: bilan]. In F. Duhamel (Ed.), La santé et la famille: Une approche systémique en soins infirmiers [Families and health: A systemic approach in nursing care] (3rd ed., 102-125.) Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Gaëtan Morin editeur, Chenelière Éducation. [in French] English language translation available from U of C Institutional Repository, PRISM: http://hdl.handle.net/1880/51114.
Duhamel, F. (2010). Implementing Family Nursing: How do we translate knowledge into clinical practice? Part II: The evolution of 20 years of teaching, research, and practice to a Center of Excellence in Family Nursing. Journal of Family Nursing, 16, 18-25. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840709360208
Duhamel, F., Dupuis, F., & Girard, F. (2010). Launching a Center of Excellence in Family Nursing, University of Montreal. Journal of Family Nursing, 16, 124-125. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840709359931
Gottlieb, L. (2007). A tribute to the Calgary Family Nursing Unit: Lessons that go beyond family nursing [Editorial]. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 39(3), 7-11. (Editorial written about the Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary)
Rolland, J., & Walsh, F. (2005). Systemic training for healthcare professionals: The Chicago Center for Family Health approach. Family Process, 44, 283-301. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1545-5300.2005.00060.x
Wright, L. M., Watson, W. L., & Duhamel, F. (1985). The Family Nursing Unit: Clinical preparation at the Masters’ level. The Canadian Nurse, 81, 26-29.