All known publications that cite the ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL
Bibliography curated by Janice M. Bell, RN, PhD
Beliefs: The Heart of Healing in Families and Illness (1996) Google Scholar reports 723 citations to this 1996 edition. The 1996 edition has been translated to French, Japanese, and Swedish.
Beliefs and Illness: A Model for Healing (2009). Google Scholar reports 370 citations to this 2009 edition.
The Swedish translation of Beliefs: The Heart of Healing in Families and Illness [Familjefokuserad omvårdnad: föreställningar i samband med ohälsa och sjukdom] translated by K. Larsson-Wentz and published by Studentlitteratur in 2002] has been cited by 274+.
In 2011, Beliefs and Illness: A Model for Healing was translated to Japanese by Dr. Nami Kobayashi & K. Matsumoto. Japanese title: “Yamai no Kunou wo Yawarageru Kazoku Sisutemu Kango”. Website for Japanese translation: Nihon Kangokyoukai Publisher’s Inc.
In October 2021, a 3rd revised edition co-authored by Dr. Lorraine Wright and Dr. Janice Bell was published. Illness Beliefs: The Heart of Healing in Families and Illness is now available from Amazon.
Listed by date from most recent to oldest
Alfaro-Diaz, C., Esandi, N., Canga-Armayor, N., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Forjaz, M. J., Rodriguez-Blazquez, C., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2023). Psychometric evaluation of the Spanish Families Importance in Nursing Care: Nurses’ Attitudes Scale through Classical Test Theory and Rasch Analysis. Journal of Family Nursing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221148083
Knauss, A., & Jensen, J. F. (2023). Solution-focused therapy in the medical family therapy field: Adapting clinical skills to different healthcare settings. Contemporary Family Therapy. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-023-09675-8
Marcheti, M. A., Mandata, A. P., de Oliveira Toso, B. R. G., Neves, E. T., Collet, N., Rocha, P. K., & Nascimento, L. C. (2023). Interactional model of caring for families of children with chronic conditions. In C. L. Betz, (Eds.), Worldwide Successful Pediatric Nurse-led Models of Care. Advance online publication. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22152-1_11
Rønne, P. F., Esbensen, B. A., Brødsgaard, A., Rosenstrøm, S. M., Voltelen, B., & Hansen, C. A. (2023). Barriers and facilitators influencing nurses’ confidence in managing family nursing conversations in the treatment of chronic noncancer pain: A longitudinal qualitative study. Journal of Family Nursing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221145963
Rosenstrøm, S., Risom, S. S., Kallemose, T., Dixen, U., Hove, J. D., & Brødsgaard, A. (2023). Clinical outcomes of a short-term family-focused intervention for patients with atrial fibrillation–A randomised clinical trial. PLOS ONE, 18(3), e0282639. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0282639
Rothausen, C. S., Clausen, A. M., Voltelen, B., & Diperink, K. B. (2023). Protective buffering: Nurses facilitating communication between adults with cancer and their adult family caregivers. Journal of Family Nursing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407231156454
Walsh, F. (2023). Complex and traumatic loss: Fostering healing and resilience. Guilford Press.
Aass, L. K., Moen, Ø. L., Skundberg‐Kletthagen, H., Lundqvist, L. O., & Schröder, A. (2022). Family support and quality of community mental health care: Perspectives from families living with mental illness. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(7-8), 935-948. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15948.
Alfaro Diaz, C., Esandi, N., Canga Armayor, N., Pardavila-Belio, M., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., & Canga Armayor, A. (2022). Personal and contextual factors to the successful implementation of a family nursing approach in oncology care. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(3), 277-291. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221083071
Alfaro-Díaz, C., Svavarsdottir, E. K., Esandi, N., Klinke, M. E., & Canaga-Armayor, A. (2022). Effectiveness of nursing interventions for patients with cancer and their family members: A systematic review. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(2), 95-114. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407211068816
Bentley, K., & Thissen, R. (2022). Family conundrums with psychiatric medication: An inquiry into experiences, beliefs, and desires. Community Mental Health Journal, 58. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-021-00792-y [citation to: Marshall, A., Bell, J. M., & Moules, N. J. (2010). Beliefs, suffering, and healing: A clinical practice model for families experiencing mental illness. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 46(3), 197–208.]
Cheatham, K. L., & Fernando, D. M. (2022). Family resilience and parental stress in families of children with autism. The Family Journal, 30(3), 419- 426. https://doi.org/10.1177/10664807211052494
Chironda, G., Jarvis, M. A., & Brysiewicz, P. (2022). Family-focused nursing research in WHO Afro-Region member states: A scoping review. Journal of Family Nursing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221132018
Chivanon, N., & Wacharasin, C. (2022). ผล ของ รูป แบบ การ พยาบาล ต่อ ความ ทุกข์ ทรมาน ของ มารดา ที่ มี ทารก แรก เกิด น้ำหนัก น้อย ที่ เข้า รับ การ รักษา ใน หอ อภิบาล ทารก แรก เกิด ป่วย [Effects of Nursing Intervention Model on suffering in mothers with low birth weight infants hospitalized in sick newborn care unit. Thai Pharmaceutical and Health Science Journal-วารสาร ไทย เภสัชศาสตร์ และ วิทยาการ สุขภาพ, 17(1), 22-28.
Davis, C. E., Lamson, A. L., Meier, E. M., & Pratt, G. A. (2022). The intersect of pregnancy loss, trauma, and spirituality: A dyadic perspective. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26(8), 1709-1718. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-022-03452-z
Goumoëns, V., Ayigah, K., Joye,D., Ryvlin, P., & Ramelet, A.-S. (2022). The development of an early intervention for supporting families of persons with acquired brain injuries: The SAFIR© Intervention. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(1), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840721104821
Hsaio, C.-Y., Lu, H.-L., Hsieh, M.-H.,& Tsai, Y.-F., (2022). Effectiveness of a brief family strengths-oriented therapeutic conversation intervention for patients with schizophrenia and their caregivers. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 54(2),213-225. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnu.12741
Ikander, T., Dieperink, K. B., Hansen, O., & Raunkiaer, M. (2022). Patient, family caregiver, and nurse involvement in end-of life discussions during palliative chemotherapy: A phenomenological hermeneutic study. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(1), 31-42 https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407211046308
Lacks, M., Lamson, A., & Goodman, J. (2022.). Biological, psychological, social, and spiritual health of active duty women: An exploratory study. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 8(1), 90-101. https://doi.org/10.3138/jmvfh-2021-0008
Lamson, A. L., Hodgson, J. L., Limon, F., & Feng, C. (2022). Medical family therapy in rural community health: A longitudinal “peek” into integrated care successes. Contemporary Family Therapy, 44, 29-43. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-021-09626-1
Lamson, A. L., Hodgson, J. L., Pratt, K. J., Mendenhall T. J., Wong, A. G., Sesemann, E. M., Brown, B. J., Taylor, E. S., Williams-Reade, J. M., Blocker, D. J., Harsh Caspari, J., Zubatsky, M., & Martin, M. P. (2022). Couple and family interventions for high mortality health conditions: A strategic review (2010-2019). Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42(1), 307-345. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12564
Leahey, M. (2022). Book Review: Illness Beliefs: The heart of healing in families and individuals. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(3),292-293. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221100523
Luttik, M. L., Brilstra, S., & Oud, M. A. (2023). Familiezorg ‘Samen in Actie’. https://research.hanze.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/48462769/HANZE221065_Rapportage_Familiezorg_def.pdf
Mendenhall, T. J., McIntosh, D., & Hottinger, D. (2022) Walking-the-walk: Attending to the “spiritual” in Medical Family Therapy’s biopsychosocial/spiritual care. Contemporary Family Therapy, 44, 44–54. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-021-09619-0
Mkabile, S., & Swartz, L. (2022). Spiritual healers’ explanatory models of intellectual disability in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Disability & Religion, 26(1), 70-86. https://doi.org/10.1080/23312521.2021.1973939
Murray, C., Bain, L., Drake, P., & Avery, D. (2022). Stepping up and stepping in: Exploring the role of nurses supporting grandparents raising grandchildren. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(4) 341–352. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221124854 (Journal of Family Nursing: Special Issue on Supporting Structurally Diverse Families)
Novak, J. R., & Gilliss, B. T. (2022). A primer on sleep for MFTs: Implications and practical considerations. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 48(2), 543-559. https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12528
Rajaei, A. (2022).Couples coping with cancer: Implications of adaptive process and relationship outcomes in recent findings for marriage and family therapists and medical family therapists. The Family Journal, 33(3), https://doi.org/10.1177/10664807211052487
Richardson, N. M., & Lamson, A. L. (2022). Understanding moral injury: Military-related injuries of the mind, body, and soul. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 9(3), 145–158. https://doi.org/10.1037/scp0000270
Richardson, N. M., Lamson, A. L., & Hutto, O. (2022). “My whole moral base and moral understanding was shattered”: A phenomenological understanding of key definitional constructs of moral injury. Traumatology, 28(4), 458–470. https://doi.org/10.1037/trm0000364https://doi.org/10.1037/trm0000364
Rosa, I. T., Rossato, L. M., Guedes, D. M. B., Fogaça, V. D., Domingues, F., & Silva, L. (2022). Beliefs, knowledge, actional of nursing techniques in breast feeding, in pain management, in immunization. Rev. Bras. Enferm, 75(6), https://doi.org/10.1590/0034-7167-2021-0546
Skuladottir, A., Sigurdardottir, A. O., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2022). The ‘Better sleep better well-being’ intervention for parents of infants with moderate sleep problems: A quasi-experimental study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 42(2), 85-92. https://doi.org/10.1177/20571585211044503
Svavarsdottir, E. K., Hraunfjord, H., & Sigurdardottir, A. O. (2022). Nursing student’s perception of family importance in nursing care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Nurse Education Today, 118, 105529. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105529
Sveinbjarnardóttir, E. K., & Kilkku, N. (2022). Collaboration with families, networks and communities. In A. Higgins, N. Kilkku, & G. Kort Kristofersson, (Eds.). Advanced Practice in Mental Health Nursing. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05536-2_7
Aass, L. K. (2021). Think family, Work family! Families living with mental illness. Perspectives of everyday life, family-centered support, and quality of community mental healthcare [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. https://ntnuopen.ntnu.no/ntnu-xmlui/handle/11250/2768707?locale-attribute=en
Aass, L. K., Skundberg-Kletthagen, H., & Schrøder, A., & Moen, O. L. (2021). It’s not a race, it’s a marathon! Families living with a young adult suffering from mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 42(1), 15-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/01612840.2020.1770384
Ambrosio, L., Navarta-Sánchez, M. V., Carvajal, A., & Garcia-Vivar, C. (2021). Living with chronic illness from the family perspective: An integrative review. Clinical Nursing Research, 30(5), 579-590. https://doi.org/10.1177/1054773820947983
Arabiat, D., Whitehead, L., AL Jabery, M., Hamdan-Mansour, A., Shaheen, A., & Sabbah, E. A. (2021). Beliefs about illness and treatment decision modeling during ill-health in Arabic families. Journal of Multidisciplinary Health, 14, 1755-1768. https://doi.org/10.2147/JMDH.S311900 [citation to: Bell, J. M., & Wright, L. M. (2015). The Illness Beliefs Model: Advancing practice knowledge about illness beliefs, family healing, and family interventions [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 179-185.]
Batista, S. M. L. P., & Martins, R. M. L. (2021). Suffering-associated factors in chronic disease in hospitalised patients in Portugal [Factores asociados al sufrimiento en la enfermedad crónica en pacientes hospitalizados en Portugal]. Enfermeria Clinica, 31(3), 135-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcle.2020.12.002
Broekema, S., Paans, P., Oosterhoff, A. T., Roodbol, P. F., & Luttik, M. L. A. (2021). Patients’ and family members’ perspectives on the benefits and working mechanisms of family nursing conversations in Dutch home healthcare. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(1), 259-269. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13089
Burles, M., Holtslander, L., & Peternelj-Taylor, C. (2021). Palliative and hospice care in correctional facilities: Integrating a family nursing approach to address relational barriers. Cancer Nursing, 44(1), 29-36. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000754
Coulon, D. B., & Lacharite, C. (2021). L’expérience parentale lors de la transition à la parentalité: une formation professionnelle centrée sur le soutien à la résilience des parents [Parental experience during the transition to parenthood: Professional training focused on supporting parents’ resilience]. In Vulnérabilités et familles [Vulnerabilities of families], Chapter 18. Les Cahiers du CEIDEF – volume 8 – Septembre 2021.
Crespo, J. (2021). Latino women’s experience of sexual violence: A phenomenological study [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Department of Human Development and Family Science East Carolina University. https://thescholarship.ecu.edu/bitstream/handle/10342/9699/CRESPO-DOCTORALDISSERTATION-2021.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yde
Eden, I., & Widen, J. (2021). KOMMUNENS ANHÖRIGSTÖD: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om anhörigkonsulenters erfarenheter [MUNICIPALITY’S RELIABLE SUPPORT: A qualitative interview study on relatives ‘consultants’ experiences]. (This publication cites Familjefokuserad omvårdnad: Swedish translation of the Illness Beliefs Model)
Esandi, N., Nolan, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2021). Family dynamics and the Alzheimer’s disease experience. Journal of Family Nursing, 27(2), 124-135. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840720986611
France, V. W. (2021). Examining the role of self-compassion in resilience among African American women: A qualitative perspective. [Doctoral dissertation, Liberty University]. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4035&context=doctoral
Gomes, J. S., Van de Sand, I, C. P., & Giradon-Perlini, N. M. O. (2021). Cáncer gestacional: del diagnóstico a la repercusión en la vivencia familiar de la maternidad [Cancer during pregnancy: From the diagnosis to the repercussions on the family experience of maternity]. Revista da Escola de Engermagem da USP, 55:e20200518. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-220X-REEUSP-2020-0518
Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., Esandi, N., Pardavilla-Belio, M. I., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Alfaro-Diaz, C., Canga-Armayor, A. (2021). Effectiveness of educational programs for clinical competence in family nursing: A systematic review. Journal of Family Nursing, 27(4), 255-274. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407211038683
Ivarsson, H., & Ambadiang, S. M. V. (2021). Upplevelsen att vara närstående till en person som drabbats av stroke och som vårdas i hemmet [The experience of being close to a person who has suffered a stroke and who is being cared for at home]. Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. (This publication cites Familjefokuserad omvårdnad: Swedish translation of the Illness Beliefs Model)
Jonsdottir, J. A., Vilhjalmsson R., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2021). Effectiveness of a couple-based intervention on sexuality and intimacy among women in active cancer treatment: A quasi-experimental study. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 44(6), E589-E599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2021.101975
Jonsdottir, J. A., Vilhjalmsson R., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2021). The benefit of a couple-based intervention among women in active cancer treatment on sexual concerns: A quasi-experimental study. Cancer Nursing, 52, 1015. https://doi.org/10.1097/NCC.0000000000000949
Mariana, A., & Österberg, M. (2021). Icke-farmakologiska interventioner som reducerar preoperativ oro och ångest hos föräldrar till barn som ska genomgå kirurgi: En systematisk litteraturstudie [Non-pharmacological interventions that reduce preoperative anxiety and distress in parents of children undergoing surgery: A systematic literature review]. Master’s thesis, Linnaeus University. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1546811&dswid=-2228 [in Swedish]
Martinez, A.-M., Castiglione, S., Dupuis, F., Legault, A., Proulx, M. C., & Carnevale, F. (2021). Having therapeutic conversations with fathers grieving the death of a child. Omega – Journal of Death and Dying, 82(4), 609-662. https://doi.org/10.1177/0030222819825916
Moen, O. L., Aass, L. K., Schroder, A., & Skundberg-Kletthagen, H. (2021). Young adults suffering from mental illness: Evaluation of the family‐centred support conversation intervention from the perspective of mental healthcare professionals. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30(19-20), 2886-2896. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15795
Naef, R., Ernst, J., & Müeller, M. (2021). Translation and psychometric validation of the German version of the Family Nursing Practice Scale (FNPS). Journal of Family Nursing, 27(1), 34-42. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840720969387
Ostergaard, B., Mahrer-Imhof, R., Shamali, M., Norgaard, B., Jeune, B., Pedersen, K. S., & Lauridsen, J. (2021). Effect of family nursing therapeutic conversations on patients with heart failure and their family members: Secondary outcomes of a randomised multicentre trial. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30, 5-6, 742-756. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15603 [citation to , & (2015). The Illness Beliefs Model: Advancing practice knowledge about illness beliefs, family healing, and family interventions [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 179– 185.]
Petersen, J. J., Østergaard, B., Svavarsdóttir, E. K., Rosenstock, S. J., & Brødsgaard, A. (2021). A challenging journey: The experience of elderly patients and their close family members after major emergency abdominal surgery. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 35(3), 903-910. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12907
Roenne, P. F., Esbensen, B. A., Broedsgaard, A., Andersen, L. O., & Hansen, C. A. (2021). Family nursing conversations with patients with chronic non-cancer pain and their selected family members. A protocol for the FANCOC-PAIN quasi-experimental trial. Medicine: Case Reports and Study Protocols, 2, 5 (e0103). doi: 10.1097/MD9.0000000000000103
Svavarsdottir, E. K., Tryggvadottir, M., Gisladottir, M., & Eriendsdottir, R. O. (2021). Enhancing family nursing practice in schools: School nurses’ perspectives on illness beliefs and family nursing practice skills when caring for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or asthma – A cross-sectional study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 41(4), 216-223. https://doi.org/10.1177/20571585211009690
Aass, L. K., Skundberg-Kletthagen, H., & Schrøder, A. (2020). Young adults and their families living with mental illness: Evaluation of the usefulness of family-centered support conversations in community mental health care settings. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(4), 302-314. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840720964397
Alfaro-Diaz, C., Esandi, N., Canga-Armayor, N., Pardavilla-Belio, M. I., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., & Canga-Armayor, D. (2020). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing of the Spanish version of the Iceland Health Care Practitioner Illness Beliefs Questionnaire. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(3), 240-253. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840720933919
Ambrosio L., Navarta-Sánchez, M. V., Carvajal, A., & Garcia-Vivar, C. (2020). Living with chronic illness from the family perspective: An integrative review. Clinical Nursing Research, 30(5), 579-590. https://doi.org/10.1177/1054773820947983
Benoot, C., Enzlin, P., Peremans, L., & Bilsen, J. (2020). A qualitative study about how nurses in Belgium offer relationship support to couples in palliative care. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(1), 38-51. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840719866838
Brown, B. J., Jensen, J. F., Hodgson, J. L., Brown, R. E., Rappleyea, D. L., & Schoemann, A. M. (2020). Mind, body, spirit, and sport: A systematic review examining the effectiveness of interventions targeting the biopsychosocial-spiritual health of NCAA student-athletes. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 14(3), 235-261. https://doi.org/10.1080/19357397.2020.1774262
Coyne, E., Heynsbergh, N., Dieperink, K. (2020). Acknowledging cancer as a family disease: A systemative review of family care in the cancer setting. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 49, 101841. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2020.101841 [citation to , & (2015). The illness beliefs model: Advancing practice knowledge about illness beliefs, family healing, and family interventions [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 179– 185.]
Diamond, R. M., Brown, K. S., & Miranda, J. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on the perinatal period through a biopsychosocial systemic framework. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42, 205-2016. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-020-09544-8
Dibley, L., Williams, E., & Young, P. (2020). When family don’t acknowledge: A hermeneutic study of the experience of kinship stigma in community-dwelling people with inflammatory bowel disease. Qualitative Health Research, 30(8), 1196-1211. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732319831795
FAMily health in Europe-Research in Nursing (FAME-RN) group (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic: A family affair [Guest Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(2), 87-89. https://doi.org/10.1177/107484072092088 [Members of the FAME-RN group include: Marie Louise A. Luttik, Romy Mahrer-Imhof, Cristina García-Vivar, Anne Brødsgaard, Karin B. Dieperink, Lorenz Imhof, Birte Østergaard, Erla Kolbrun Svavarsdottir, and Hanne Konradsen]
Foster, M., & Shields, L. (2020). Bridging the child and family centered care gap: Therapeutic conversations with children and families. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 43(2), 151–158. https://doi.org/10.1080/24694193.2018.1559257
Hawkins, J. M., McPhee, D. P., & Brown, C. C. (2020). Incorporating biopsychosocial-spiritual resources in emotionally focused couple therapy. Contemporary Family Therapy, 42(3), 217-227. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-019-09523-8
Holst-Hansson, A., Vejzovic, V., Idvall, E., & Wennick, A. (2020). The usefulness of Brief Family Health Conversations offered to families following the diagnosis of breast cancer. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(4), 327-336. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840720966759
Huang, Y.-P., Wang, S.-Y., & Kellett, U. (2020). Shame, suffering, and believing in the family: The experiences of grandmothers of a grandchild with a developmental delay or disability in the context of Chinese culture. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(1), 52-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840719895264
Jacobsson, L. R., Johansson, A. & Eckerblad, J. (2020). Illness beliefs among people living with treated coeliac disease. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 34(2), 401-408 https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12741
Lise, F., Dall’Agnol, J., & Schwartz, E. (2020). USO DO MODELO DE CRENÇAS E DOENÇAS PARA A CURA PELA ENFERMAGEM NA ABORDAGEM COM FAMÍLIAS [Use of the Beliefs and Illness Model for healing by nursing in the approach with families] [Editorial]. Revista Paranaense de Enfermagem, 3(1), 1-3.
Looman, W. L. (2020). Teaching systems thinking for advanced family nursing: A theory-based tool. Journal of Family Nursing, 26(1), 5-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840719891439
Naef, R., Massarotto, P., & Petry, H. (2020). Family and health professional experience with a nurse-led family support intervention in the ICU: A qualitative evaluation study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 61, 102916. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iccn.2020.102916
Østergaard, B., Clausen, A. M., Agerskov, H., Brodsgaard, A., Diperink, K. B., Funderskov, K. F., & Nielsen, D. (2020). Nurses’ attitudes regarding the importance of families in nursing care: A cross‐sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(7-8), 1290-1301. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15196
Ostergaard, B., Mahrer-Imhof, R., Shamali, M., Norgaard, B., Jeune, B., Pedersen, K. S., & Lauridsen, J. (2020). Effect of family nursing therapeutic conversations on patients with heart failure and their family members: Secondary outcomes of a randomised multicentre trial. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.15603 [citation to , & (2015). The Illness Beliefs Model: Advancing practice knowledge about illness beliefs, family healing, and family interventions [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 21, 179– 185.]
Petursdottir, A. B., Sigurdardottir, V., Rayens, M. K., & Svavarsdottir. K. (2020). The impact of receiving a family-oriented therapeutic conversation intervention before and during bereavement among family cancer caregivers. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 22(5), 383-391. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000679
Rajael, A., & Jensen, J. F. (2020). Empowering patients in integrated behavioral health-care settings: A narrative approach to medical family therapy. The Family Journal, 28(10), 48-55. https://doi.org/10.1177/1066480719893958
Robinson, W. D., Jones, A. C., Felix, D. S., &. McPhee, D. P. (2020). Systemic family therapy in medical settings. In K. W. Wampler, R. B. Miller, & D. P. McPhee (Eds.), The handbook of systemic family therapy (pp. 659-681). doi:10.1002/978111979018
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Østergaard, B., Mahrer Imhof, R., Wagner, L., Barington, T., Videbæk, L., & Lauridsen, J. (2018). Effect of family nursing therapeutic conversations on health-related quality of life, self-care and depression among outpatients with heart failure: A randomized multi-centre trial. Patient Education and Counseling, 101(8), 1385-1393. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2018.03.006
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Svavarsdottir, E. K., & Looman, W., Tryggvadottir, G. B., & Garwick, A. (2018). Psychometric testing of the Iceland Health Care Practitioner Illness Beliefs Questionnaire among school nurses. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32(1), 261-269. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12457
Svavarsdottir, E. K., & Sigurdardottir, A. O., Konradsdottir, E., & Tryggvadottir, G. B. (2018). The impact of nursing education and job characteristics on nurse’s perceptions of their family nursing practice skills. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32(4), 1297-1307. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12573
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Sigurdardottir, A. O., Garwick, A. W., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2017). The importance of family support in pediatrics and its impact on healthcare satisfaction. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 31(2), 241-252. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12336
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Weingarten, K., & Worthen, M. (2017). Unreliable bodies: A follow-up twenty years later by a mother and daughter about the impact of illness and disability on their lives. Family Process, 56(1), 262-277.https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12197
Wright, L. M. (2017). Suffering and spirituality: The path to illness healing. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: 4th Floor Press.
Bell, J. M. (2016). The central importance of therapeutic conversations in family nursing: Can talking be healing? [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 22(4), 439-449. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840716680837
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Dorell, A., Bäckström, B., Ericsson, M., Johansson, M., Östlund, U., & Sundin, K. (2016). Experiences with Family Health Conversations at residential homes for older people. Clinical Nursing Research, 25(5), 560-582. https://doi.org/10.1177/1054773814565174
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Dorell, Å., & Sundin, K. (2016). Becoming visible – Experiences from families participating in Family Health Conversations at residential homes for older people. Geriatric Nursing, 37(4), 260-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gerinurse.2016.02.015
Eggenberger, S., & Sanders, M. (2016). A family nursing educational intervention support nurses and families in an adult intensive care unit. Australian Critical Care, 29(4), 217-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aucc.2016.09.002
Gisladottir, M., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2016). Development and psychometric testing of the Iceland-Family Illness Beliefs Questionnaire (ICE-FIBQ). Journal of Family Nursing, 22(3), 321-338. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840716661593
Gisladottir, M., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2016). The effectiveness of therapeutic conversation intervention for caregivers of adolescents with ADHD: A quasi-experimental design. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 24(1), 15-27. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpm.12335
Golfenshtein, N., Srulovici, E., & Deatrick, J. A. (2016). Interventions for reducing parenting stress in families with pediatric conditions: An integrative review. Journal of Family Nursing, 22(4), 460-492. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840716676083
Lämås, K., Sundin, K., Jacobsson, C., Saveman, B-I., & Östlund, U. (2016). Possibilities to evaluate cost-effectiveness of family system nursing: An example based on Family Health Conversations with families in which a middle-aged family member had suffered stroke. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 36(2), 74-81. https://doi.org/10.1177/0107408315610076
Lindgren, E., Soderberg, S., & Skar, L. (2016). Being a parent to a young adult with mental illness in transition to adulthood. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 37(2), 98-105. https://doi.org/10.3109/01612840.2015.1092621
McKechnie, A. C., Pridham, K., & Tluczek, A. (2016). Walking the “emotional tightrope” from pregnancy to parenthood: Understanding parental motivation to manage health care and distress after a fetal diagnosis of complex congential heart disease. Journal of Family Nursing, 22(1), 74-107. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715616603
Östlund, U., Bäckström, B., Saveman, B.-I., Lindh, V., & Sundin, K. (2016). A Family Systems Nursing approach for families following a stroke: Family Health Conversations. Journal of Family Nursing, 22(2), 148-171. https://doi.org/10.1177/107484071664279
Voltelen, B., Konradsen, H., & Østergaard, B. (2016). Family nursing therapeutic conversations in heart failure outpatient clinics in Denmark: Nurses’ experiences. Journal of Family Nursing, 22, 172-198. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840716643879
Walsh, F. (2016). Strengthening family resilience (3rd ed.). Guilford Press.
Wright, L. M. (2016). Brain science and illness beliefs: An unexpected explanation of the healing power of therapeutic conversations and the family interventions that matter. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 186-205. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715575822
Yamaguchi, S., Cohen, S. R., & Uza, M. (2016). Family caregiving in Japan: The influence of cultural constructs in the care of adults with cancer. Journal of Family Nursing, 22(3), 392-418. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840716655530
Arestedt, L., Benzein, E., & Persson, E. (2015). Families living with chronic illness: Beliefs about illness, family, and health care. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(1), 206-231. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715576794 [SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL]
Bell, J. M. (2015). Growing the science of Family Systems Nursing: Family health intervention research focused on illness suffering and family healing [L’avancement de la recherché sur l’intervention infirmiere systémique en santé familiale: bilan]. In F. Duhamel (Ed.), La santé et la famille: Une approche systémique en soins infirmiers [Families and health: A systemic approach in nursing care] (3rd ed., 102-125.) Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Gaëtan Morin editeur, Chenelière Éducation. [In French] English language translation available from U of C Institutional Repository, PRISM: University of Calgary Repository. https://prism.ucalgary.ca/handle/1880/51114
Bell, J. M., & Wright, L. M. (2015). The Illness Beliefs Model: Advancing practice knowledge about illness beliefs, family healing, and family interventions [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 179-185. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715586889 [SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL]
Benzein, E., Olin, C., & Persson, C. (2015). ‘You put it all together’- families’ evaluation of participating in Family Health Conversations. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29(1), 136-144. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12141
Duhamel, F., Dupuis, F., Turcotte, A., Martinez, A.-M., & Goudreau, J. (2015). Integrating the Illness Beliefs Model in clinical practice: A Family Systems Nursing Knowledge Utilization Model. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 322-348. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715579404 [SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL]
Eggenberger, S. K., & Krumwiede, N. (2015). Using simulation pedagogy in the formation of family-focused generalist nurses. Journal of Nursing Education, 54(10). https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20150916-08
Fernandes, C. S., & Pereira Gomes, J. A., Martins, M. M., Pereira Gomes, B., Hisako Takase Gonçalves, L. (2015) A Importância das Famílias nos Cuidados de Enfermagem: Atitudes dos Enfermeiros em Meio hospitalar [The importance of families in nursing care: Nurses’ attitudes in the hospital environment]. Referência – Revista de Enfermagem, 14(7), 21-30. https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=388243209002
International Family Nursing Association. (2015). IFNA Position Statement on Generalist Competencies for Family Nursing Practice. https://internationalfamilynursing.org/2015/07/31/ifna-position-statement-on-generalist -competencies-for-family-nursing-practice/
Melcher, U., Sandell, R., & Henriksson, A. (2015). Maintaining everyday life in a family with a dying parent: Teenagers’ experiences of adapting to responsibility. Palliative and Supportive Care, 13(6), 1595-1601. doi:10.1017/S1478951515000085
Östlund, U., Bäckström, B., Lindh, V., Sundin, K., & Saveman, B.-I. (2015). Nurses’ fidelity to theory-based core components when implementing Family Health Conversations—a qualitative inquiry. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29(3), 582-590. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12178
Sato, N., Araki, A., Ito, R., & Ishigaki, K. (2015). Exploring the beliefs of Japanese mothers caring for a child with disabilities. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 232-260. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715586551 [SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL]
Sundin, K., Pusa, S., Lundstedt, E., Östlund, U., Lindh, V., & Saveman, B.-I. (2015). What couples choose to focus on during nurse-led Family Health Conversations when suffering stroke. The International Journal for Human Caring, 19(2), 22-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.20467/1091-5710-19.2.22
Svavarsdottir, E. K., Sigurdardottir, A. O., Konradsdottir, E., Stefansdottir, A., Sveinbjarnardottir, E. K., Ketilsdottir, A., Blondal, K., Jonsdottir, A., Bergs, D., & Gudmundsdottir, H. (2015). The process of translating family nursing knowledge into clinical practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(1), 5-15. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnu.12108
Wacharasin, C., Phaktoop, M., & Sananreangsak, S. (2015). Examining the usefulness of a Family Empowerment Program guided by the Illness Beliefs Model for families caring for a child with thalassemia. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 295-321. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715585000 [SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL]
West, C. H., Bell, J. M., Woodgate, R. L., & Moules, N. J. (2015). Waiting to return to normal: An exploration of family systems intervention in childhood cancer. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 261-294. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715576795 [SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL]
Wright, L. M. (2015). Brain science and illness beliefs: An unexpected explanation of the healing power of therapeutic conversations and the family interventions that matter. Journal of Family Nursing, 21(2), 186-205. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840715575822 [SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL]
Angelo, M., Cruz, A. C., Mekitarian, F. F. P., da Silva dos Santos, C. C., Martinho, M. J. C. M., da Silva Martins (2014). Actitudes de enfermeras sobre la importancia de las familias en los cuidados de enfermería en pediatría [Nurses’ attitudes regarding the importance of families in pediatric nursing care]. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 48. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0080-623420140000600011
Arestedt, L., Persson, C., & Benzein, E. (2014). Living as a family in the midst of chronic illness. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28(1), 29-37. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12023
Bally, J. M. G., Holtslander, L., & Duggleby, W. (2014). Understanding parental experiences through their narratives of restitution, chaos, and quest: Improving care for families experiencing childhood cancer. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(3), 287-312. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840714532716
Bell, J. M. (2014). Creating a culture of feedback in family nursing [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(4), 383-389. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840714559505
Bell, J. M. (2014). Family centered care and family nursing: Three beliefs that matter most [Guest Editorial for a Special Issue on Family Centered Care]. Pfelge, 27(4), 213-217. https://doi.org/10.1024/1012-5302/a000369
Bell, J. M. (2014). Knowledge translation in family nursing: Gazing into the Promised Land [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(1), 3-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840714521731
Blondal, K., Zoega, S., Hafsteinsdottir, J. E., Olafsdottir, O. A., Thorvardardottir, A. B., Hafsteinsdottir, S. A., & Sveinsdottir, H. (2014). Attitudes of registered and licensed practical nurses about the importance of families in surgical hospital units: Findings from the Landspitali University Hospital Family Nursing Implementation Project. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(3), 355-375. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840714542875
Gudnadottir, M., & Svarvarsdottir, E. K. (2014). Advanced nursing intervention for families of children and adolescents with asthma: The father’s perspective. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 34(2), 49-52. https://doi.org/10.1177/010740831403400210
Imber-Black, E. (2014). Will talking make it worse? Facilitating family conversations in the context of chronic and life-shortening illness. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(2), 151-163. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840714530087
Østergaard, B., & Wagner, L. (2014). The development of family nursing in Denmark: Current status and future perspectives. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(4), 487-500. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840714557780
Ostlund, U., Bäckström, B., Lindh, V., Sundin, K., & Saveman, B.-I. (2014). Nurses’ fidelity to theory-based core components when implementing Family Health Conversations—a qualitative inquiry. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 29(3), 582-590. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12178
Östlund, U., & Persson, C. (2014). Examining family responses to Family Systems Nursing interventions: An integrative review. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(3), 259-286. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840714542962
Persson, C., & Benzein, E. (2014). Family Health Conversations: How do they support health? Nursing Research and Practice, 2014, Article ID 547160. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/547160 [Predatory publication]
Woodgate, R., West. C. H., & Tailor, K. (2014). Essential anxiety and growth: An exploration of computerized drawings and perspectives of children and adolescents with cancer. Cancer Nursing, 37(2), 146-159. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0b013e31829ded29
Bell, J. M. (2013). Family nursing is more than family centered care [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 19(4), 411-417. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840713512750
Gottlieb, L. N. (2013). Strengths-based nursing care: Health and healing for person and family. Springer Publishing Company.
Kamban, S., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2013). Does a therapeutic conversation intervention in an acute paediatric setting make a difference for families of children with bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 22(19-20), 2723-2733. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04330.x
Konradsdottir, E., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2013). The role of the advanced nurse practitioners in offering brief therapeutic conversation intervention for families of children and adolescents with Type 1 diabetes. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 33(1), 44-47. https://doi.org/10.1177/010740831303300310
Lindh, V., Persson, C., Saveman, B-I., Englund, C., Idberger, K., & Östlund, U. (2013). An initiative to teach family Systems Nursing using online health-promoting conversations: A multi-methods evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(2), 54-66. [Predatory publication]
Rallison, L. B., & Raffin-Bouchal, S. (2013). Living in the in-between: Families caring for a child with progressive neurodegenerative illness. Qualitative Health Research, 23(2), 194-206. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732312467232
Sigurdardottir, A. O., & Svavarsdottir, E. K., Rayens, M. K., & Adkins, S. (2013). Therapeutic conversations intervention in pediatrics: Are they of benefit for families of children with asthma? Nursing Clinics of North America, 48(2), 287-304. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cnur.2013.01.007
Silverman, J., Kurtz, S., & Draper, J. (2013). Skills for communicating with patients (3rd. ed.). CRC Press.
Svavarsdottir, E. K., & Sigurdardottir, A. (2013). Benefits of a brief therapeutic conversation intervention for families of children and adolescents in active cancer treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(5), E-346-E357. doi: 10.1188/13.ONF.E346-E357
Sveinbjarnardottir, E .K., Svavarsdottir, E. K., & Wright, L. M. (2013). What are the benefits of a short therapeutic conversation intervention with acute psychiatric patients and their families? A controlled before and after study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(5), 593-602. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2012.10.009
Thirsk, L. M., & Moules, N. J. (2013). “I can just be me”: Advanced practice nursing with families experiencing grief. Journal of Family Nursing, 19, 74-98. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840712471445
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List of Articles About the Importance of Beliefs
Dagnan, D., Hull, A., & McDonnell, A. (2013). The Controllability Beliefs Scale used with carers of people with intellectual disabilities: Psychometric properties. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57(5), 422-428. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01554.x
Darr, A., Astin, F., & Atkin, K. (2008). Causal attributions, lifestyle change, and coronary heart disease: Illness beliefs of patients of South Asian and European origin living in the United Kingdom. Heart & Lung, 37(2), 91-104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrtlng.2007.03.004
dela Cruz, F. A., & Galang, C. B. (2008). The illness beliefs, perceptions, and practices of Filipino Americans with hypertension. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 20(3), 118-127. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7599.2007.00301.x
Dodgson, J. E., Bloomfield, M., & Choi, M. (2014). Are health science students’ beliefs about infant nutrition evidence-based? Nurse Education Today, 34(1), 92-99. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.02.015
Feudtner, C., Walter, J. K., Faerber, J. A., Hill, D. L., Carroll, K. W., Mollen, C. J…. Hinds, P. S. (2015). Good-parent beliefs of parents of seriously ill children. JAMA Pediatrics, 169(1), 39-47. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.2341
Gisladottir, M., & Svavarsdottir, E. K. (2016). Development and psychometric testing of the Iceland-Family Illness Beliefs Questionnaire (ICE-FIBQ). Journal of Family Nursing, 22(3), 321-338. doi:10.1177/1074840716661593
Kazak, A. E., McClure, K. S., Alderfer, M. A., Hwang, W-T., Crump, T. A., Le, L. T….Rourke, M. T. (2004). Cancer-related parental beliefs: The Family Illness Beliefs Inventory (FIBI). Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29(7), 531-542. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsh055
McCabe, P. J., Barnason, S. A., & Houfek, J. (2011). Illness beliefs in patients with recurrent symptomatic atrial fibrillation, Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 34(7), 810-820. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8159.2011.03105.x
Nan, X., Zhao, X., & Briones, R. (2014).Parental cancer beliefs and trust in health information from medical authorities as predictors of HPV vaccine acceptability. (2014). Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, 19(1), 100-114. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2013.811319
October, T. W., Fisher, K. R., Feudtner, C., & Hinds, P. S. (2014). The parent perspective: “Being a good parent” when making critical decisions in the PICU. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 15(4), 291-298. doi: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000000076 [Good Parent Tool]
Oyesanya, T. O., Thomas, M. A., Brown, R. L., & Turkstra, L. S. (2016). Nurses’ beliefs about caring for patients with traumatic brain injury. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38(9), 1114-1138. doi: 10.1177/0193945916636629
Rolland. J. S. (1987). Family illness paradigms: Evolution and significance. Family Systems Medicine, 5(4), 482-503. https://doi.org/10.1037/h0089735
Rolland, J. S. (1998). Beliefs and collaboration in illness: Evolution over time. Families, Systems, & Health, 16(1-2),17-25. http://doi.org/10.1037/h0089839
Sint Nicolaas, S. M., Schepers, S. A., van den Bergh, E. M. M., Evers, A. W. M., Hoogerbrugge, P. M., Grootenhuis, M. A., & Verhaak, C. M. (2016). Illness cognitions and family adjustment: Psychometric properties of the Illness Cognition Questionnaire for parents of a child with cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(2), 529-537. doi: 10.1007/s00520-015-2795-5
Weine, S., Feetham, S., Kulauzovic, Y., Knafl, K., Besic, S., Klebic, A.,…Pavkovic, I. (2006). A family beliefs framework for socially and culturally specific preventive interventions with refugee youths and families. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(1), 1-9. doi: 10.1037/0002-9432.76.1.1
Zhang, J., While, A. E., & Norman, I. J. (2012). Development and testing of an instrument to assess nurses’ knowledge, risk perception, health beliefs and behaviours related to influenza vaccination. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(17-18), 2636-2646. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03794.x