

Bibliography: Illness Beliefs Model

All known publications that cite the ILLNESS BELIEFS MODEL Bibliography curated by Janice M. Bell, RN, PhD Beliefs: The Heart of Healing in Families and Illness (1996) Google Scholar reports 723 citations to this 1996 edition. The 1996 edition has been translated to French, Japanese, and Swedish. Beliefs and Illness: A Model for Healing (2009).…


Bibliography: Relational Family-Level Intervention Research

This bibliography offers a resource list of published integrative reviews and meta-analyses which examine the usefulness of relational family-level interventions in health care. Relational family-level interventions address family relationships and the reciprocal relationship between families and illness and are distinct from psycho-educational interventions (focused on conveying knowledge and coping skills related to the health challenge). For more information…


Bibliography: Social Media in Health Care & Family Nursing

Bibliography curated by Janice M. Bell, RN, PhD Updated: June 2017 International Family Nursing Association (IFNA) FREE webinar developed by the IFNA Communications Committee (Janice M. Bell ; Wilma Schroeder ; Wendy Looman ):  “Tweet, Post & Chat: Maximizing your IFNC12 Conference Experience through the Use of Social Media.” American Nurses Association . (2011). 6…


Bibliography: Scholarship of Practice with Families

This is a collection of known publications and media productions by Dr. Lorraine M. Wright, Dr. Janice M. Bell, and faculty colleagues, Dr. Nancy J. Moules and Dr. Wendy Watson as well as master’s and doctoral graduates associated with the Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary (1982-2007). The legacy of this family-focused scholarship in Family Systems…


Bibliography: Knowledge Translation in Family Nursing

Selected Bibliography developed by Janice M. Bell, RN, PhD Updated: January 2020 See Blog Post about Knowledge Translation in Family Systems Nursing Knowledge Transfer/Knowledge Translation in Health Care Practice/Family Nursing Practice Bareil, C., Duhamel, F., Lalonde, L., Goudreau, J., Hudon, E., Lussier, M. T… Lalonde, G. (2015). Facilitating the implementation of interprofessional collaborative practices into primary care: A…


Bibliography: Family Systems Nursing

Selected Bibliography developed by Janice M. Bell, RN, PhD Updated: April 2021 Here is my working definition of Family Systems Nursing: Family Systems Nursing (FSN) is a conceptual systemic lens that accounts for the interaction, reciprocity, and relationships between multiple systems levels that range from the smallest level of the cell to the largest level of…


Bibliography: Family Nursing Education

Selected Bibliography developed by Janice M. Bell, RN, PhD Updated: April 2021 Angelo, M. (2008).  The emergence of family nursing in Brazil.  Journal of Family Nursing, 14(4), 436-441. Åstedt-Kurki, P., Paavilainen, E., Paunonen, M., & Nieminen, H. (1998). Education of family nursing specialists at the University of Tampere, Finland. Journal of Family Nursing, 4(4), 350-357. …