
Read more on Advanced Practice Competencies: Family Systems Nursing
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Nursing, Family Systems Nursing, Intervention

Advanced Practice Competencies: Family Systems Nursing

 “Advanced nursing practice is an umbrella term describing an advanced level of clinical nursing practice that maximizes the use of graduate educational preparation, in-depth nursing knowledge and expertise in meeting the health needs of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations” (Canadian Nurses Association, 2008, p. 9). Advanced practice competencies of Family Systems Nursing related to…

Read more on Competencies for Practice are Connected to Core Beliefs
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Nursing, Intervention, Practice with Families

Competencies for Practice are Connected to Core Beliefs

Competencies for Family Nursing Practice <---> CORE BELIEFS "There are numerous beliefs operating and emerging within every person every day, about every situation, and every person encountered.  But not all beliefs matter in daily life; not all beliefs invite an emotional or physiological response.  But the beliefs that do matter are our core beliefs... Core beliefs…

Read more on My Story Starts Here…
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Health, Family Nursing, Family Systems Nursing, Intervention, Personal Story, Practice with Families, Relationship Health

My Story Starts Here…

My Family: August 2017 Every family has a story; every story has a family... They say that every story is told differently, depending on the audience. Here is my story. I come from a large, extended, matriarchal family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and many cousins who have enriched my life within a network of supportive,…