Family Nursing

Read more on Join us for a Family Externship in Switzerland: July 5-8, 2022
TagsBlog, Family Health, Family Nursing, Family Nursing Education, Family Nursing Practice, Family Nursing Research, Family Systems Nursing, Illness Suffering, Intervention

Join us for a Family Externship in Switzerland: July 5-8, 2022

Dr. Lorraine Wright and I are pleased to announce that we have accepted an invitation to offer a 4-day Family Externship workshop at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) from July 5-8, 2022.  This will be the 6th time we have been invited to offer a Family Externship at ZHAW. (We were able to virtually offer…

Read more on 25th Anniversary of the Journal of Family Nursing
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Health, Family Nursing, Family Nursing Education, Family Nursing Practice, Family Nursing Research, Relationship Health

25th Anniversary of the Journal of Family Nursing

“The days are long, but the years are short.” ~ Gretchen Rubin "The first issue of the Journal of Family Nursing (JFN), owned SAGE Publishing, was launched in February 1995.  This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of this journal dedicated to extending knowledge about family nursing and transforming practice with families. There is no other nursing…

Read more on Externship Workshop: Advanced Family Nursing Practice, October 2020
TagsArticles, Blog, Educational Strategies, Family Nursing, Family Systems Nursing, Intervention, Practice with Families

Externship Workshop: Advanced Family Nursing Practice, October 2020

  Family Systems Care: Special Presentation to an audience of health care professionals interested in improving their knowledge and skills in working with families: Winterthur, Switzerland, May 2018 Lorraine Wright and I are very excited to offer our 4-day signature workshop, the Family Externship focused on Advanced Family Systems Care, Zurich University of Applied Sciences,…

Read more on My Manifesto: Weaving and Connecting
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Health, Family Nursing, Family Nursing Research, Personal Story, Practice with Families, Relationship Health, Uncategorized

My Manifesto: Weaving and Connecting

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay Definition: "A manifesto is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an individual, group, political party or government" (Wickipedia). I am a registered nurse and a psychologist. My greatest desire is to move family nursing forward and change health care (assessment and intervention) to…

Read more on History of the International Family Nursing Conferences
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Nursing

History of the International Family Nursing Conferences

First International Family Nursing Conference Participants with Dr. Lorraine Wright and Dr. Maureen Leahey (1988) The First International Family Nursing Conference was hosted in May 1988 by the University of Calgary, Faculty of Nursing and chaired by Dr. Lorraine M. Wright (450 participants from 15 countries attended this first conference). In 2021 the 15th International…

Read more on Making Ideas “Stick”: The 15-Minute Family Interview
TagsArticles, Blog, Educational Strategies, Family Health, Family Nursing, Practice with Families

Making Ideas “Stick”: The 15-Minute Family Interview

I've been thinking a lot about the struggle we have to make ideas "stick".  In my work of creating and disseminating family nursing knowledge, I invite nurses to change their beliefs and behavior about families and "get" the benefits that exist for families and nurses when families are included in health care. Chip Heath and…

Read more on Growing Communities of Practice in Family Nursing and Family Focused Health Care
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Health, Family Nursing, Practice with Families, Relationship Health, Social Media

Growing Communities of Practice in Family Nursing and Family Focused Health Care

Photo credit: There are a number of voices across several disciplines who are actively participating in the growing scholarly conversation about family focused health care in North America and beyond (Bell, 2017). In a Journal of Family Nursing Special Focus Issue on Social Media and Family Nursing, February 2017, Isaacson and Looman (2017) discuss…

Read more on Could Therapeutic Conversations with Families Affect Patient Quality and Safety?
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Health, Family Nursing, Practice with Families, Uncategorized

Could Therapeutic Conversations with Families Affect Patient Quality and Safety?

Photos compliments of the International Family Nursing Association: I was invited to offer a keynote at the British Columbia Quality and Safety Council's preconference forum on Patient and Family Centered Care.  Yesterday's group wasn't my usual tribe of family nursing scholars and practitioners. Instead it was an interesting group of health care providers, legislators,…

Read more on 7 Important Documents Every Family Nurse Should Read
TagsArticles, Blog, Family Nursing, Practice with Families

7 Important Documents Every Family Nurse Should Read

  Our global community of family nursing has been privileged to witness the growth of family nursing publications, family nursing textbooks, and family nursing practice models over the past four decades. As useful as all of these resources are for growing the science and practice of family nursing, there are several seminal works which make some…