“The days are long, but the years are short.” ~ Gretchen Rubin
“The first issue of the Journal of Family Nursing (JFN), owned SAGE Publishing, was launched in February 1995. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of this journal dedicated to extending knowledge about family nursing and transforming practice with families. There is no other nursing journal that claims an exclusive focus on family health and family healing. The unique focus of JFN has been supported by a dedicated community of loyal and generous nursing and interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners who are growing the science and practice of family nursing and family-focused health care.” (For more information, see Bell, 2019).
A pdf of the PPT presentation of my Expert Lecture at IFNC14 is available here: Bell.Expert Lecture
One of the most meaningful moments of celebration for me was a congratulatory toast offered by my trusted colleague and mentor, Dr. Suzanne Feetham, at the JFN Editorial Board meeting in August 2019, held during the 14th International Family Nursing Conference (#IFNC14)(see photo below). Dr. Feetham has offered amazing support to me in my role as a fledgling editor and continues to provide advice and seasoned wisdom.

As the Editor of JFN, I had the privilege of highlighting the history and contributions of JFN in an Expert Lecture offered at the 14th International Family Nursing Conference in Washington, DC (#IFNC14) on August 14, 2019.
In this presentation, I highlighted significant milestones that have shaped this journal and reported data about the top cited JFN articles published between 2005 and 2018. Citation metrics have been obtained from Web of Science.
I also offered several recommendations about the work that still needs to done to continue to advance the science and practice of family nursing.
“The consistent growth and quality of JFN is related to the outstanding efforts of SAGE Publishing (publishing editors, production editors, copyeditors), the JFN Editorial Board, and, most deservedly, the work of JFN authors and valued peer reviewers. These intertwined relationships are long-standing and vital to the success of this journal. Many of us have been together since the beginning of this journal. I am very grateful for your passionate beliefs about the importance of families in health and illness and your dedication and perseverance to advance knowledge about family nursing, family health, and family healing.” (For more information, see Bell, 2019).
A pdf of the PPT presentation of my Expert Lecture at IFNC14 is available here: Bell.Expert Lecture
Bell, J. M. (2019). 25th Anniversary of the Journal of Family Nursing: Significant milestones and top cited articles [Editorial]. Journal of Family Nursing, 25, 359-369. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840719870959